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We bring illumination and positive transformation to as many people in the world as possible to raise awareness, increase intuitive abilities, and guide you on your path to understand your own mission and life purpose. By collaborating with individuals and corporations, we are fostering sacred citizens across the globe and raising the collective consciousness of our planet.

Dee Dee Ritzinger

Dee Dee is an entrepreneur, spiritual teacher, psychic medium, medical intuit, and a channel for healing and energy. She provides guidance for personal and business matters including physical, mental, and emotional health conditions, relationship issues, career advice, geographical moves, legal matters, and beyond. She is a catalyst for transformational healing for individuals and groups worldwide.

Dee Dee's practice includes individualized energy work with each channeled session. Guided channeled sessions are unique to each client. To further your healing process, other modalities may be recommended that Dee Dee offers such as Integrative Inner Child Regression, Past Life Soul Regression, In-between Life Soul Regression, Emotion/Body Code, and nutritional protocols. In addition, Dee Dee is an educator in the healing arts offering classes, workshops, and events facilitated with Brent Terry.

Brent Terry

Brent is an engineer, scientist, spiritual teacher, inspirational leader, and a channel for healing energy for the purpose of guiding and helping individuals, groups, and corporations. Brent's practice includes channeled energy, Past Life Soul Regression, and In-between Life Soul Regression. His background in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy shines through all of his sessions addressing psychological and life issues.

As an inspirational leader, Brent excels at working with groups collaboratively to teach conscious leadership. Brent’s background as a corporate executive and entrepreneur brings a depth of understanding for the need to raise the consciousness and cultural of corporations. He is a catalyst for transformational healing for individuals, executives, and groups worldwide.

The inspiration behind our name, elevenocity

The karmic Master Number 11 has always resonated as a powerful symbol of spiritual creation. Eleven embodies the principles of awakening and enlightenment, high energy, inspiration and intuition, illumination, the visionary, enthusiasm, creativity, self-expression, and sensitivity. The number 11 tells us to live our mission and life purpose. Master Number 11 is usually called ‘the Illuminator’, ‘the Messenger’ or ‘the Teacher’ and relates to those who are here to be inspirational guiding lights, and their mission is to bring illumination to others and to help raise awareness.

Master Number 11 assists you on your life purpose and mission. Number 11 encourages you to contribute your unique perspective and philosophy to instigate a new consciousness and awareness. Seeking an outlet where there can be active participation. Working with others gives the opportunity to be the inspirational leader, setting an example for others to learn from. Number 11 encourages you to assist and inspire the human race via your natural abilities, relying upon your inner-wisdom and intuition to guide you. Number 11 encourages you to be an inspirational guiding light to bring illumination to others and help raise awareness trusting that the universe supports you in your work.